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Asita is a Florida based, self-taught artist and photographer. Born in Tehran,Iran she came to the United States prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979. She graduated from Canoga Park High School in California and was admitted to Pepperdine University .  she attended Pepperdine for one year.

 She spent ten years in the jewelry industry , mainly in sales and design which offered her new horizons and expanded  her artistic vision  for he later career as a painter. 

In 1996 , Asita started following her long desired passion and took grand steps towards becoming a painter. She continued to add to her diverse art collection as a hobby and only showed her work at fundraisers and private exhibitions. 

Asita Sami is a "well renowned" fine artist and a familiar name in the Persian community of South Florida. She has had several private and public art exhibitions during the past years and has been "well received" by her community.

Her work is a true testimonial to her social views. She has the strong ability of painting her words onto her canvas. Spirituality plays an important role in the balance of her life and her art, featured on most of her pieces.

She boldly mixes various styles from cubism to fauvism and naïve art, simultaneously reviving subtle and sophisticated figures and characters from her own past. Color speaks a lot on her canvas, which ranges from lively saturated primaries to dusty dim complementaries. 

Her work is collected vastly by many private collectors and her goal is to exhibit her new collection in the upcoming public and private galleries and museums in South Florida. 

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